"This is huge, just huge. It is kind of like finding Elvis.""It's like a funeral shroud has been pulled back, giving us a glimpse of a living bird, rising Lazarus-like from the grave.""For those of us who tenaciously cling to the idea that man can live alongside fellow species, this is the most incredible ray of hope."
"He was glued to his computer 24/7," (his wife) said tearfully. "He was so afraid he was going to miss an opportunity to contribute a comment or start a discussion, that he just stopped eating." She added that Wanamaker's last words were "OK Picard, stick that in your pipe and smoke it..."
So please don't take our word that Freakonomics is a good book. Don't believe the good reviews either. Feel free to make up your own mind -- you can poke around a good bit here, on this very website. Maybe you will decide that Freakonomics is, after all, a piece of trash. We cherish your right to think so.
On April 24, 2005, Heavy Trash volunteers deposited bright orange viewing platforms in front of three Los Angeles gated communities; Brentwood Circle, Park La Brea and Laughlin Park. The purpose of these viewing platforms is to draw attention to the phenomenon of gated communities -- the fastest growing form of housing in the United States.
"We're really excited about reaching out to the blogging community; I believe we streamlined the process to make it very user friendly. Within two clicks you can have a new post from FotoFlix on your blog."
The Ultimate Blogger is a 6-week competition between 12 people to be the best blogger in order to win a $500 dollar prize package. Each week consists of two challenges and two eliminations. The person or team that wins the challenge is safe, forcing the other players to vote someone out of the game. The last blogger remaining will be crowned The Ultimate Blogger and win the prize package.
The upload program lets you submit videos electronically to Google Video, as long as you own the necessary rights (including copyrights, trademarks, rights of publicity, and any other relevant rights for your content). Just sign up for an account and use our upload tool to send your videos to Google. The program is still in beta so you won't see your videos live on Google Video immediately.
Today the sun was out and it was in the 70's. I was playing outside in a big field. Like always when its warm outside. Well, I decided to break my 2 month drought and go number 1 and 2 outside. Everyone was saying how good I was and I got a treat.
Dogster founder Ted Rheingold isn't one to rest on the success of the sites. "We expected the sites to be popular but never anything like this. With all these passionate members why not make more fun and convenient features for them, such as diaries, leaving treats or our hotel booking system dedicated just to pet-friendly establishments. In fact almost all new features are driven exclusively by what users tell us they'd like to see next. We're a very young dog and we're gonna learn every trick they ask of us."
Photo courtesy: Kristal.
Waiting for a smoothie in his Blogger tee. That's good stuff.
Do you have what it takes to corral enough traffic to win the cash prizes? Can you make the next Dancing Baby, All Your Base, or Star Wars Kid and ride into the sunset with the bounty? This is your chance to prove you are the best in the West.$2,000 Grand Prize$1,000 Alexa Prize$1,000 Technorati Prize$1,000 Creative Commons Prize
Wharton legal studies professor Dan Hunter puts blogging right up there with the printing press when it comes to sharing ideas and disseminating information. "This is not a fad," says Hunter. "It's the rise of amateur content, which is replacing the centralized, controlled content done by professionals."
Digital postcards from a mobile phone: "While I recognise that some people have a tremendous range of opinions on a wide variety of topics, as well as a burning desire to see those opinions published online, I have been much happier as a blog reader than as a blog writer - until now."
Are you too tired to blog? Do you not have enough to say? Bloggy solves all your problems by blogging for you! From the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep, Bloggy will follow you around and record all of your events to share with the world! With Bloggy, you'll never again worry about having a boring blog.
By working through problems stemming from his past, Tom Warshaw (Duchovny), an American artist living in Paris, begins to discovery who he really is, and returns to his home to reconcile with his family and friends.