"In just over a month, it has sold some 30,000 copies and is already in its third edition -- a huge success in a country where only a fraction of the population reads books. It also ranks third on Brazil's bestseller list for nonfiction books, neck and neck with international hits like "Freakonomics" by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner."
"Internet journalism received a leap in recognition Wednesday as the Pulitzer Prize Board widened its submission guidelines to include online material for all of its journalism categories.""'The board believes it has taken a significant step in recognition of the widening role of online journalism at newspapers,' prize administrator Sig Gissler said in a statement. Online material will be considered beginning with the 2006 competition (which honours work done in 2005)."
"The eligibility guidelines 'will continue to be restricted to newspapers published daily, Sunday or at least once a week during the calendar year,' Gissler added, but will be widened to included the online editions of those newspapers."